Monday, January 23, 2006

who will think about the children?

i just ran into the craziest kid on my way to vote this afternoon. he was skipping down the street making peace signs (very richard nixon) and i made eye contact with him and smiled as he passed me and he just exploded into 'hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi...woo hoo, woo hoo, woo hoo.' i think that kid had one too many epipens today.

vote or pie...

a reminder to all 2 of you who read this blog to go out and vote today.
exercising your right to vote means you can exercise your right to complain when things are messed up.
i personally am voting only on the basis of who is the best dresser...i'm sure you all knew this would happen because i am extremely shallow.

thoughts from a weekend...

i had something really clever to write yesterday but now that i am sitting down to actually write it, my mind escapes me.
i had lunch with pete and jan yesterday and feel renewed from the whole experience. it is so nice to sit down with people who know you well and just talk about life and feel support and love. plus getting one of jan's delicious coffee cakes doesn't hurt either.
last week was a bit of a roller coaster of questioning everything, not in a bad way, more in an evaluative way, but i didn't really have the concentrative power to do so. (my sister has been taking these fish pills to increase her brain function but i haven't seen any improvments yet. haha...burn.) i don't really want to have to think about some of this stuff until the end of the semester but i have a feeling it will all sneak back into my thought playlist probably when i am trying to fall asleep.

Friday, January 13, 2006

all hail the king...

tonight as i was driving down main street just as the 'liberal-palooza' was letting out and it was a gong show. there was this massive crowd and all these people were freaking out because martin's tour bus was trying to get out of the parking lot but there was all this traffic so this one guy stopped all the traffic and guided the buss weird. everyone was acting like it was a earth stopping moment. i just wanted to get to blockbuster...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

ushered in...

the church is the bride of the groom who is christ. as a guest at the wedding, does the usher escort to the bride's side or the groom's? does your intimate knowledge rest in the church or in Christ?
the analogy has holes but the question is important.
are you one who knows a culture or are you one who knows a saviour?
are we ushering in a kingdom of doctrine or of God?
are we pushing our agenda or manifesting the way things are meant to be?

Friday, January 06, 2006


and it all happens on a cross
it all happens at a state execution
where the govenor did not commute the sentance
it all happens at the hands of the empire
that has captured our imagination
it all happens through blood
not through a power grab by the sovereign one
it all happens in embraced pain
for the sake of others
it all happens on a cross
arms stretched out in embrace
and this is the image of the invisible God
this is the body of Christ

walsh & keesmaat, colossians remixed: subverting the empire. p.88-89.

perma-night life...

first post of 2006 and (drum roll please) i've got a complaint. it has been like 3 weeks since i have seen the sun and it is really starting to get to me. i'm cracking under the pressure. i've noticed an increase in cyncism and bitterness since the sun disappeared from my day and i'm hoping it comes back before i get stuck this way (yes, i believe the medical phenomenon relates to the same laws of thermodynamics that dictate that if you get slapped on the back while making a funny face, your face will indeed remain that way. i am afraid not having the sun will cause me to be tempermental and moody forever.)
it is kind of like that episode of seinfeld when the kenny roger's roasters moves in across the street from kramer's apartment and all the light shines in and jerry (who switches apartments with kramer) starts to go all crazy and 'kramer-like' except that it is a lack of a blazing bright light that has caused my moody misfortune.