Tuesday, March 25, 2008

city/script 08!

It is time again for the Ontario wide annual conference called city/script.

At city/script students will live together in Toronto, study the half of the gospel of Mark, and be exposed to issues of urban poverty. It is amazing to see what God does in the lives of students when they spend close to 8 hours a day studying the Bible and living in community. It is challenging to be exposed to the reality of urban poverty in Toronto by different ministries downtown. It is awesome to witness God transform the lives of students and staff by speaking into their lives, healing their brokenness, and challenging them to take risks for the gospel. It is hard to express how beautiful it was to see what God did last year at city/script.

Because of what God has done in the past we as staff have committed to getting as many of our students as we can to come to city/script this year. The conference is expensive, however, (it costs $460/student) and many students are not able to afford the full cost of the week. Hence, as staff, we have created a scholarship fund to help subsidize the cost for students who cannot afford to go.

How to partner with us

It is our hope that our supporters would join with us in sending students to city/script this year. We have been training students to fundraise for this event and have also set a goal to have 40 people give a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more in order to build a scholarship fund. We think this is a great opportunity for our partners in ministry, because it offers you the chance to invest directly in the life of a student. In addition, the McMaster community will also benefit tremendously because of the difference it makes in the lives of our students and the impact that will have on the campus.

If you are interested in being a part of this special opportunity, there are two ways you can give.

You can make a donation online with your credit card

1. go to: www.ivcf.ca and choose the donor option. (or click here)
2. click on 'Make a Donation'
3. enter 'city script' in the search box
4. click on the result 'City/Script Bursaries'
5. follow the donation steps to the last step
6. on the last step there is a box for 'special instructions' - write in McMaster VCF


If you would rather mail in a donation, please e-mail me and I will happily send you information and a postage-paid gift envelope.

Thank you for your partnership and prayers for city/script 08!

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