Tuesday, February 13, 2007


so i think i'm starting to get the point. there has just been story after story i've heard lately about how Jesus is changing people's lives on our campus and i am finally understanding that i have no control over it. the last few weeks have just brought so many moments and accounts of the mysterious work of the Kingdom it is oozingly obvious that i had nothing to do with it.
case in point, my small group.
last week i had three days of staff training and left robyn, the student i co-lead bible study with alone to lead our group. we were both nervous about it because she had some frustrating experiences leading so far this semester so leading alone didn't appeal to her at all. the amazing thing though is that Jesus loves weakness (not in a twisted way) but he totally steps in to help those who realize they just can't do it without him. chatting with robyn we i got back, it was so obvious that she had experienced Jesus being with her at our small group and her excitement for our small group was overwhelming. i still get a huge goofy smile on my face when i think about it now (and i feel like kind of a geek when people ask me while i am smiling...)
realizing the power Jesus has to change things and people that i just can't has been a hard but very freeing lesson to learn. i keep wanting to take control back into my own hands (i think i know all the answers after all) but i'm slowly learning it is better for me to have as little control as possible.
we're heading into reading week next week and once we all return from that, the year will just sail through to the end. perfect timing for me to hand over control...