Friday, August 25, 2006

stepping it up...

this morning has been the best moment i have ever had at adventure camp. the theme this session is "cereal city" and the program team has done an awesome job trying to pull in as many of the cereal characters as they possibly can. this morning at breakfast (the cereal banquet) they all came together and sand a medley that summed up the story for the week. it was so good! i can believe how talented and creative they are. it all ended with 'cereal for life' (to the tune of 'circle of life') with the big finish being in 4 part harmony. it is so amazing how they have gone the extra mile for the last session when most people just fade out (including myself i think). i have been so impressed with the leadership over at adventure camp this summer and how much they really care for the kids that come to that camp and the ministry that happens there.
i'm hoping the video footage of the grand finale will end up on the internet for the world to enjoy. i will post the link on this site once i hear word...

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