Monday, September 25, 2006

prayer requests...

please pray for our fall retreat coming up this weekend (sept.29-oct.1). we are hoping that many of the new students who have been interested in IV so far will come out and start to get to know others and feel welcomed into our community. alison siewert will be speaking this weekend...she does a lot of the staff training for IV staff and i am sure will share a message that is in line with the vision that our student team has developed for this year. we are also starting up our small groups next week. i am really excited about them this year because we have invested a lot more in our small group leaders and given them good training for leading a small group. i am afraid, however, that there just isn't a desire to study scripture in our community and that they won't be well attended. please pray that people will act on even the smallest interest in joining a group and that God will reveal himself to them as they study his word.

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