Tuesday, December 05, 2006

let the exams begin...

today was the first day of no more classes (making yesterday the last day of classes) and the vibe around campus and the student neighbourhoods already feels different. the huge snowfall last night certainly helped create a holiday mood around here but most people i chat with seem happy that the end of the semester is nearing.
a lot of people find exam time is stressful but it seems more managable to me because you don't have to attend lectures and hand in assignments and essays, while trying to fit in study time. it will be a great time for me to catch up with students that i haven't seen all semester and to put in that last push for fundraising so i can return (triumphantly) to campus in january.
i have one take home keeping me from finishing up my semester. i was hoping to get it done nice a early so i wouldn't have to have it hanging over my head for the next week but that is proving harder than i thought.

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