Sunday, May 13, 2007

come and see...

tonight i had a prep meeting with a student who will be helping me lead the summer bible study which is really the only sort of program MAC IV has going over the summer. the theme for our study is 'encounters with Jesus' and we are starting off with the first disciples interacting with Jesus as they decide to follow him. the phrase "come and see" comes up twice and seems to be a significant part of discovering who Jesus actually is.
what stood out most to me in our prep, however, was this student agreeing that "coming and seeing" was a big part of his own growth over the last year. there are things about Jesus that really don't make sense until you go and find him for yourself. there are ways that he works that require us to say yes to before we really know what it is we signed on for. and for this student, he is starting to see others come to Jesus in the same way because he has invited them to "come and see."
i hope this trend continues...

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