Friday, September 19, 2008

september update.

even though it is only the second week of classes, campus life is in full swing. students are starting to feel the weight of their work load while tests and assignment deadlines are quickly approaching. it feels like Inter-Varsity is in full swing as well.

after a few welcoming events over the first few weeks, MAC VCF Bible studies started up this week with about 40 students spread over 5 different groups through the week. i am very impressed with our student leaders and their excitement for their groups this year. last year was such a growthful year for small groups, i think many are anticipating that God can do even bigger things this year.

MAC KCF has also started off its year strong with a bunch of events welcoming new students and sharing the vision for the year. i have been really encouraged this week about how the partnership with these students has been developing. i was so encouraged to go to the first large group of the year last night to see a bunch of familiar faces and meet new students who are checking out the group. the student leaders showed off their dance skills, led icebreaker games, and extended hospitality. i almost won KCF BINGO but unfortunately couldn't find anyone wearing pick boxers to complete my line. maybe next year...

as we sang during worship, i was overwhelmed to remember how God was at work in bringing the MAC KCF and MAC VCF communities together through Inter-Varsity. the students on both sides have shown us as staff a lot of grace as we figure out what this new relationship looks like. we are constantly wanting to provide more to students who want more and our limitations as staff become very clear.
Melody and i are currently dividing our time between KCF & VCF but i can't help but think about what could happen if we could offer a full-time staff to invest in the KCF community. we could really use some prayers that God will raise up an intern or staff out of this community to be a worker in the harvest that is happening there.

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