Monday, January 22, 2007

diet of worms...

january is just slipping away and i can't believe that it is already the 22nd. i forgot how busy things are when i am actually involved on campus. meetings with students, meetings with staff, meetings with supporters, visioning and planning for upcoming events, prepping teaching stuff...all this makes a month feel like a week.
i had dinner with some friends from undergrad a little over a week ago and i got some good feedback on this blog. one friend said 'your blog used to be good.' hmm...thanks. apparently my postings here sound a little too businessy and not enough like me so i am going to try to remedy that. let's hope the problem isn't that i actually am more businessy (or is it businessie?) than i used to be.
today in my history class we learned about the Diet of Worms. it was a strong reminder of how important it is to pay attention in class because it took a while for me to realize that this was not actually about what Martin Luther ate in his excommunication but that it is actually written in german. Diet of Worms in english is much different than deet of vorms, as it is is pronounced in german.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. i made it into your blog. amazing. i like it.

-"friend from undergrad"