Friday, January 04, 2008

2008. year of the rat.

happy new year everyone.

there are still 3 days left before students return to classes and i have started to prepare for all that is coming up this semester. after our reflection times with students at the end of exams, there seems to be an excitement and energy for God to be on the move this semester. last semester, our bible studies were the place where all the action was happening and i am excited to see what will continue to happen as students gather around the Word and live it out on campus. our student leadership team has decided to join the different small groups to continue investing in their fellow students and motivate people into action. although this is a very new structure for our community, it seems to be a move of great wisdom and has potential for great transformation.

just a quick summary of some things coming up this semester...
in january we will be joining students from Brock University for a winter retreat and our staff team will be working together to teach about different aspects of the Kingdom of God. at MAC we will also be joining up with other Christian clubs on campus for Christ @ MAC week, a week of unity in worship, prayer, evangelism and fun.
february means reading week and a time to catch up on all the reading and studying that has piled up in the first half of the semester.
by march, we will have chosen our leaders for the coming school year. the end of the semester will involve a lot of transition and vision casting as we prepare for the next steps of this ministry.
april, of course, means exams but will also be a time of preparation for city/script, a week long intensive study of the gospel according to mark that will happen the first week of may. it is my hope that we will have at least 10 students join us this year, as it is always a time of significant transformation as the Spirit changes hearts through scripture study.

please be praying for us as we begin this semester. there are many things that our leaders desire to see happen this semester and i know it will require great courage and faith to participate in this mission. pray that God will help us believe in moments of unbelief and that the Spirit will just work powerfully on our campus.

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