Monday, January 14, 2008

one week summary.

we are now one week into the winter semester and there have been many great moments so far to share with you all. i am hoping to get a newsletter out this week, but here is something for you to read in the meantime.

we had a great welcome back party saturday night with a good turn out. it also served as a going away party for one of our students who is leaving in a week to study in Jerusalem for 6 months. it is a great opportunity for her but she will be greatly missed by our community.
yesterday we had a workshop for our student leaders about investing in others. we were blessed to have student leaders from Korean Christian Fellowship (KCF) join with us in a day of scripture study and discussion. i think being able to talk about how to invest in people will serve us well through this semester, as we have been building relationships with newer students that are just waiting to get deeper.

my favourite moment of the workshop came at the very end when students broke into groups to pray for one another and many groups prayed "Korean style," where everyone prays at the same time. since KCF has come under the care of Inter-Varsity, we have been trying to build a stronger connection with their students and that moment just served as a sign that it is moving forward.

this coming weekend is our retreat, which we are hosting along with Brock University. (partnership seems to be an ongoing theme this semester...) i am excited about the weekend because we have some great ideas for the teaching times and it is always just nice to get away for a while.

i also would like to witness to the fact that God is really good (and sneaky) about answering prayer. there have been many times (and will be many more times) so far this semester that i have just not felt able to do this ministry, either out of not understanding where to go next or not feeling capable of what is required for it but each time, in and through prayer, the Spirit has worked over-time to set things straight.
can i get an amen?

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